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Child of God. Husband. Father of four. Pastor.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I made the mistake of watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose last night. There is a reason I'm not into horror movies. Good grief. I kept looking over my shoulder as I watched, and felt a horrible sense of foreboding all night. Messed up!

In reading so much about angels and demons, I feel something of an obligation to watch Hollywood's take on the Powers. Naturally, American movies go for the fear factor: Bernard Herrmann soundtrack, tilted camera angles, darkness, heads turning 360 degrees, blood & guts, etc. Emily Rose was actually pretty cerebral. Scare tactics were largely held in check. Blood was minimal. In the end, it simply asks the question: is it possible?

If it is possible (and the evidence suggests demonic possession is, indeed, possible), then we ought to be afraid. There is much more going on than what we can see, and angels and demons exists whether we are going to believe in them or not.

History and experience are not the sole indicator of the possibility, of course. The Biblical witness is univocal: angels and demons are real. Interestingly, however, after noting that demons are behind idolatry, the Apostle Paul does not suggest we ought to fear demons. He demands that we fear God: "Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" (1 Cor. 10:22).

Like all of the Powers and however we define them, demons are created by God; they are fallen. Christ's authority extends over all creation, "in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible" (Col. 1:16). Because Jesus Christ is supreme, and because by grace alone through faith alone we are in him, we have no need to fear. Thanks be to God.

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