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Child of God. Husband. Father of four. Pastor.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

The day does actually have meaning beyond being "the day after Fat Tuesday." I, for one, simply find it encouraging that there is a specific season in the church set aside for repentance. A) I understand that repentance is part of our daily walk with Christ. B) I realize that my Lutheran guilt is oftentimes a bit much. In any case, Lent refocuses me on some realities that are always present but seldom fully articulated--the frailty of life; the call to repentance; my hope in Christ. I am dead to sin, and alive to God in Jesus Christ!

This is a particularly memorable Ash Wednesday in that Julie is not here (the blessed girl is in Amsterdam). It was a rather surreal day only in that she is there and I am so completely pre-occupied here. The kids are certainly old enough now to know the drill--they are remarkably capable of taking care of themselves. I simply have a lot on my plate (much of which is now complete, thank heavens): worship and sermon prep for tonight; a paper on James Davison Hunter's To Change the World with addendum and summary notes; Life Group lesson; sermon for Sunday, which also happens to be a critical component of my doctorate; Chicago Classis Saturday; Life Group gathering Sunday night. My mind and heart was in it for Ash Wednesday worship. I haven't given a thought to Valentine's Day. Nevermind, it is a rather silly holiday anyway.

An asteroid is missing us by fifteen minutes (whatever that means), North Koreans have nukes, the Pope is retiring, politicians are preoccupied with guns...God is in his heavens. It's gonna be okay.

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