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Child of God. Husband. Father of four. Pastor.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10K-The Definition of White Hot Pain

I ran my first 10K (6.2 miles) race in a year on Saturday morning at the Cosley Zoo Run for the Animals. I ran the same race last year over thirty seconds faster (38:48 in 2012; 38:16 in 2011). Between these two races, I competed in Ironman Wisconsin, the Chicago Marathon, and the Wisconsin Marathon.
What was hardest? IM, certainly, in terms of duration and overall pain level. Chicago Marathon ran a close second only because of miserably tired legs (and my almost inescapable tendency to go out way too fast).

But in terms of white hot pain intensity (however brief), there is nothing worse than a 10K. It is utter misery from the word "Go." I took off with the pack, desiring only to keep with the freaky fast dudes for the first couple of miles before settling in for a PR. My first mile registered 5:45, the second mile 6:02 (hills!), and the third mile 5:55. That's pretty much when the wheels came off. At no point, mind you, did I feel good over those first three miles. I was producing massive amounts of lactic acid and my heart was all over the place. It was truly horrible. Mile four was a minor disaster, as I had slowed to a 7:10 pace (my pain indicated that I should be registering much, much faster). I regrouped a bit over mile five, and then finished feebly for a 38:48--12th place overall and 2nd in my age-group. Altogether, a good effort with little payoff. I thought for sure I could PR, defeating the ever-elusive 37-minute barrier. Not even close.
Here's to long races and the slow burn. No more white hot intensity racing for me (till next year).

1 comment:

  1. You are amazingly fast! I got a 50:09, a five-minute PR for me. I'm working up towards IMWI, hopefully by 2014.

    Did you get an official time? My time wasn't recorded and the timing company literally asked me for my bib number and time. Pretty disappointing.
